Edify Group of Companies

IELTS Speaking Test - Tips from Experts

Fri Feb 03 2023 Effa Iqbal

Would you like to ace the speaking portion of the IELTS exam?

In that case, you’ve found the right blog! A crucial part of the exam is the IELTS speaking test, which calls for a combination of language proficiency, self-assurance, and composure. Although it can be difficult, anyone can succeed with the appropriate preparation and attitude. We’ll go over the most effective methods and advice for getting ready for the IELTS speaking test in this blog, from expanding your vocabulary to honing your pronunciation. This blog will help you get the score you want and leave a good impression on the examiners, whether you are a beginner or an advanced learner.
IELTS speaking part


The introduction, cue card, and follow-up questions are the three sections that make up the IELTS Speaking section. The introduction, which comes first in the Speaking segment, is meant to gauge how well test-takers can introduce themselves and give a little background information about themselves. The second component of the Speaking section, known as the cue card, is used to gauge how well test-takers can speak for an extended period of time (Ideally 2 minutes!) about a certain subject. The discussion, which makes up the third component of the Speaking portion, is meant to evaluate how well test-takers can contribute to a discussion about a certain subject.

Test Breakdown:

The IELTS Speaking test is comprised of three sections, each designed to test different aspects of your language abilities:

Part 1: Introduction and Interview

The examiner will inquire about your name, background, and interests throughout this portion of the test. This section’s goals are to get you warmed up and give you a chance to practice your fundamental English language abilities. Simple answers are intended to be given in response to direct questions.

Part 2: Individual Long Turn

You will be assigned a topic or a circumstance to speak about for one to two minutes during this section. Your ability to communicate your thoughts and opinions, as well as your vocabulary and grammar abilities, are tested in this area. It’s necessary to plan ahead and spend lots of time preparing your speaking skills.

Part 3: Two-Way Discussion

The examiner will pose more challenging questions about the subject from Part 2 in this last section. Your communication skills will be put to the test in this section as well as your ability to explore abstract ideas and effectively communicate your viewpoints. Be sure to pay close attention to the examiner’s questions and provide intelligent, language- and grammar-appropriate responses.
IELTS speaking test tips

Here are a few things to consider for IELTS Speaking preparation:

1) Understanding the structure: The IELTS Speaking test is divided into three sections, each of which tests a different component of your language proficiency. It’s important to be familiar with the test’s structure and to know what is required of you in each section.

2) Vocabulary: A wide range of vocabulary, including academic, technical, and common words and phrases, is required for the IELTS Speaking test. Make sure you can use words responsibly and with a solid vocabulary.

3) Fluency and coherence: Your ability to speak continuously and rationally is evaluated on the IELTS Speaking test, which measures your fluency and coherence. Work on structuring your thoughts and ideas while you practice speaking for a long time.

4) Pronunciation: It’s a vital component of the IELTS Speaking test. Make sure you are well-versed in the intonation, emphasis, and sounds of English, and practice frequently.

5)Preparation: Finally, make sure you prepare thoroughly for the IELTS Speaking test. Use a variety of resources, such as textbooks, online resources, and practice tests, to improve your skills and increase your chances of success.

Tips to Improve your IELTS Speaking:

1) Practice, practise, practise: You’ll gain confidence and fluency as you speak English more frequently. Both inside and outside of the classroom, make an effort to use English as much as you can.

2) Enhance your vocabulary: A solid vocabulary is crucial for the IELTS Speaking test. To demonstrate that you have a wide range of linguistic abilities, make an effort to regularly learn new words and phrases and use them in your speaking.

3) Know the different IELTS Speaking task categories: Learn about the questions and tasks you will encounter throughout the IELTS Speaking test. You will be better able to prepare if you know what is expected of you.

4) Make use of body language: Nonverbal clues can help you connect with your audience and improve your speaking, such as gestures and facial expressions. To successfully communicate your ideas and emotions, practice using body language.

5) You can evaluate your progress and identify areas that still need work by recording your own voice. As you listen to your recordings, make notes on the vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation you used. You could also ask a teacher or native speaker for advice.
IELTS speaking Test

RECOMMENDED READ: How To Ace The IELTS Speaking Part

Thank you for reading our article today on IELTS speaking, in case if you want to know more details and you want to prepare for IELTS, but you don’t know where to go and how to start? Contact Edify Group of Companies, we are one of the best IELTS trainers in Pakistan with the honor of being British Council Platinum member, so what are you waiting for? Apply Now



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