Common Mistakes to Avoid in IELTS Speaking

Common Mistakes to Avoid in IELTS Speaking

Sun Apr 16 2023 Ahmed Raza

The IELTS Speaking test is a crucial part of the exam since it gauges a candidate’s proficiency in effective English communication. The speaking test is a face-to-face interview with an examiner and evaluates the candidate’s speaking abilities based on their capacity to talk fluently, utilize appropriate language, and coherently express their views.

Common Mistakes to Avoid in IELTS Speaking

Speaking Test format:

The three-part IELTS Speaking examination is administered as a one-on-one interview with an examiner. The candidate is questioned informally about themselves and their hobbies in the first section. The candidate is assigned a topic to discuss for two minutes in the second section, after which the examiner will ask follow-up questions.

The candidate and examiner have a more in-depth discussion about the subject from part 2 in the final section. The candidate is scored on their fluency, coherence, grammar, and pronunciation during the 11–14 minute speaking test.

Common Mistakes to Avoid In IELTS Speaking

Mistake #1: Not understanding the question

Not understanding the question is one of the most frequent errors that test-takers make on the IELTS Speaking test. Prior to responding, it is essential to carefully consider the examiner’s question and comprehend what they are asking. If you don’t comprehend the question, you can wind up giving an irrelevant response, which will lower your score. To avoid this mistake listen carefully and if you’re not sure what is being asked, don’t hesitate to ask for clarification.

Mistake #2: Using complex vocabulary

Many applicants think that employing sophisticated language will make them look good to the assessor and raise their grade. This error, however common, might have unintended consequences. When you use new vocabulary, you may make grammar and sentence construction mistakes that make it harder for the examiner to understand what you’re trying to say. Stick to the words you completely understand and are familiar with using within a statement rather than attempting to utilize too many fancy jargon. Don’t let your vocabulary force your grammar to suffer.

Mistake #3: Not practicing enough

Not practicing enough is another error test-takers frequently make. It can be stressful to talk smoothly and confidently under time pressure during the speaking test, which is why many applicants find it difficult. You can feel more at ease and confident during the actual test by practicing your speaking abilities with an instructor, friend, or member of your family.

Mistake #4: Not managing time effectively

You must successfully manage your time because the IELTS Speaking test is timed. Many candidates speak for too long because they get carried away, which leaves little time for the remaining questions. Similar to this, some applicants might speak too quickly, giving insufficient information, and receiving a lower score.

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Common Mistakes to Avoid in IELTS Speaking

Resources to Improve Speaking:

There are several resources available that can help you prepare for the IELTS Speaking test. Here are some of the best resources you can use:

  • Official IELTS Speaking Practice Materials: The official IELTS website provides practice materials for the Speaking test, including sample questions and answers, and full-length practice tests.

  • IELTS Speaking apps: There are several apps available for iOS and Android devices that can help you practice your Speaking skills. Some popular ones include IELTS Speaking, IELTS Speaking Assistant, and IELTS Speaking Test.

  • YouTube videos: There are many YouTube channels that offer free tips and practice for the IELTS Speaking test. Some popular channels include IELTS Liz, IELTS Advantage, and E2 Language.

  • IELTS Speaking tutors: You can hire a private tutor or join a preparation institute to help you prepare. This can be an effective way to get personalized feedback and improve your skills.

Practice with a language partner: Find someone who is also preparing for the IELTS Speaking test or a native English speaker and practice speaking with them. This can help you improve your fluency and confidence.

Remember that the key to success in the IELTS Speaking test is to practice regularly and consistently. Focus on improving your pronunciation, grammar, and vocabulary, and don’t be afraid to make mistakes.

Common Mistakes to Avoid in IELTS Speaking

Studying IELTS with Edify:

You will benefit from studying IELTS at Edify Group of Companies since they have state-of-the-art classrooms that foster excellent learning possibilities. Additionally, Edify employs highly qualified personnel that not only provide their students with problem-solving techniques but also with useful information. For instance, the curriculum created by the institution’s instructors is structured to meet the needs of students from a variety of backgrounds. Edify’s instructors strive to customize their courses in accordance with the particular requirements of their students because they don’t think there is a one size fits all approach.



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