Canada vs Australia

Canada Vs Australia: Which is Better? | Explore with us

Fri Apr 05 2024 Effa Iqbal

Canada vs Australia:

Which is better for education and work? Let’s compare these two popular destinations for international students.

Canada and Australia are prominent English-speaking countries, drawing nearly half of the international student population each year.

This comparison of Canada vs Australia aims to aid Pakistani students in making an informed decision when considering undergraduate or master’s programs.

Canada vs Australia


Canada and Australia are renowned for their educational institutions, diverse cultures, and promising career prospects.

With both countries attracting a significant number of international students annually, it’s crucial to dissect various aspects before choosing between them.

Education System


  • Canada boasts a comprehensive education system encompassing kindergarten, primary/secondary schools, and universities. With over 10,000 undergraduate and postgraduate courses available in 213 colleges and 223 public and private universities, Pakistani students have a plethora of options.
  • Canadian universities consistently rank among the top 50 in the QS World University Rankings, offering quality education and research facilities. Medicine, Law, IT, and Engineering are popular fields among Pakistani students, benefiting from subsidized tuition fees and scholarships. Studying in canada is a dream for all the students.


  • Australia operates under a three-tiered education system aligned with the Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF). With 10 levels ranging from certificate courses to doctorate degrees, Australian universities excel in various disciplines.
  • Many Australian universities rank within the top 30 globally, attracting Pakistani students for MS/MBA courses. Despite Australia’s well-organized education system, Pakistani students lean towards Canada due to lower tuition fees, a student-friendly environment, and expedited student visa processes.

Top Universities

Canada vs Australia


  • In Australia, institutions like the Australian National University, the University of Melbourne, and the University of Sydney rank high globally. These institutions offer a wide range of courses and attract Pakistani students seeking quality education.


In Canada, institutions such as McGill University, the University of Toronto, and the University of British Columbia are renowned for their academic excellence. These institutions provide diverse learning opportunities and research facilities, making them desirable for Pakistani students.

Engineering, Medicine, Law, IT, and MBA programs are sought after by Pakistani students in both Canada and Australia. While Australia offers programs like BMed + Medical Doctor and MSc Data Science, Canada provides options like BSc Nursing and Medicine and MSc Nursing.

Cost of Living

Considering the weaker value of the Pakistani rupee compared to the Canadian and Australian dollars,

Pakistani students are concerned about living expenses. While Australia has higher living costs, including rent, food, transportation, and healthcare, Canada offers relatively lower expenses.

However, the overall cost of living may vary depending on lifestyle choices and accommodation preferences.

Job Opportunities

Both Canada and Australia offer promising job prospects for international students. Graduates can apply for post-graduate work visas and secure employment opportunities in various fields.

Campus placements, off-campus recruitment drives, and internships are common avenues for students to gain practical experience and secure permanent positions.

Student Visa

Obtaining a student visa is a crucial step for Pakistani students planning to study abroad. Canada and Australia have streamlined visa processes, with specific requirements and documentation.

While Canada offers the Student Direct Stream (SDS) for quick visa approval, Australia requires academic and professional documents for visa processing.

Permanent Residency (PR)

For Pakistani students aspiring to settle abroad, obtaining permanent residency (PR) is a significant milestone.

Canada offers various pathways for PR, including the Canadian Experience Class, which prioritizes skilled workers. In contrast, Australia requires a minimum point score and thorough background checks for PR applications.

Climate and Weather Conditions

Australia boasts a warm climate, making it suitable for international students. I

n contrast, Canada experiences colder temperatures throughout the year, presenting challenges for Pakistani students accustomed to warmer climates.

However, individual preferences and adaptability play a crucial role in adjusting to different weather conditions.

How To Work In USA After Graduation: A Guide For International Students

Canada vs Australia


1. Which country is better for international students: Canada or Australia?

Both Canada and Australia offer excellent education and career opportunities for international students.

However, factors such as visa processes, cost of living, and preferred fields of study may influence the decision.

2. Why choose Australia over Canada for international students?

Australia’s top-ranking universities and diverse cultural experiences make it an attractive destination for international students. Additionally, fields like Information Technology, Healthcare, and Business Administration thrive in the Australian job market.

3. Which country is better for migration: Canada or Australia?

Canada and Australia offer different pathways for migration, with varying requirements and processes. The choice depends on individual circumstances, including preferred immigration programs and eligibility criteria.

4. Is it easier to obtain PR in Canada or Australia for international students?

Canada generally has a more straightforward PR process for international students, with various pathways available, including the Canadian Experience Class. However, both countries have specific requirements and eligibility criteria for PR applications.

Canada vs Australia

5. What are the scholarship opportunities for Pakistani students in Canada and Australia?

Numerous scholarships are available for Pakistani students in both Canada and Australia, offered by universities, governments, and external organizations.

These scholarships aim to support international students in pursuing their academic goals and research endeavors.

6. What are the tax implications for Pakistani students studying in Canada and Australia?

Pakistani students studying in Canada and Australia are subject to tax regulations specific to each country. They must adhere to tax laws concerning income earned from part-time jobs, internships, and other sources while studying abroad.

7. What are the academic requirements for Pakistani students applying to universities in Canada and Australia?

Pakistani students applying to universities in Canada and Australia must meet specific academic requirements, including educational qualifications, language proficiency tests (such as IELTS or TOEFL), and program-specific prerequisites. Each university may have its own set of admission criteria and documentation requirements.

8. Which country offers better living standards for Pakistani students: Canada or Australia?

Both Canada and Australia offer high living standards, quality education, and diverse cultural experiences for Pakistani students. Ultimately, the choice depends on individual preferences, academic pursuits, and career goals.


In the debate between Canada and Australia as preferred destinations for education and work, it’s evident that both countries offer compelling opportunities for Pakistani students.

Canada’s advantages lie in its lower tuition fees, student-friendly environment, and streamlined visa processes, while Australia boasts top-ranking universities and diverse cultural experiences.

Ultimately, the choice between Canada and Australia hinges on individual preferences, academic goals, and career aspirations.

Pakistani students should carefully weigh factors such as cost of living, job prospects, and climate conditions to make an informed decision.

Whether opting for Canada’s welcoming atmosphere or Australia’s prestigious academic institutions, Pakistani students are poised to embark on rewarding educational journeys that align with their aspirations and contribute to their personal and professional growth.



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