All you need to know about ICM - University of Manitoba

All you need to know about ICM - University of Manitoba

Tue Apr 11 2023 Effa Iqbal


The University of Manitoba is a well-known public research institution in Winnipeg, Manitoba. It is the province’s largest university and one of Western Canada’s oldest institutions, dating back to 1877. The institution provides undergraduate and graduate degrees in a variety of disciplines, including the arts, sciences, business, engineering, medicine, law, and education.


ICM – The University of Manitoba

The International College of Manitoba is one of the most famous colleges of the University of Manitoba (ICM). ICM was founded in 2008 as a collaboration between the University of Manitoba and Navitas, a renowned worldwide education provider. ICM provides a fantastic chance for overseas students to prepare for degree programmes at the University of Manitoba.

Pathways and Academic programs offered by ICM for International students

ICM provides a number of academic programs that lead to degree programmes at the University of Manitoba for foreign students. Foundation, Diploma, and Advanced Diploma programs in Arts, Science, and Business are available. These programs are intended to assist overseas students in adjusting to the Canadian academic system and developing the language and study skills required to succeed in their degree programmes.

ICM’s Foundation programmes give a thorough introduction to academic English and Canadian culture. Students who finish these programmes successfully are assured admission to the University of Manitoba. The Diploma programmes are meant to provide students a thorough grasp of their chosen subject of study, whilst the Advanced Diploma programmes provide more specialised instruction.

ICM’s faculty is highly skilled and experienced, with many holding advanced degrees from top colleges throughout the world. The faculty is dedicated to providing students with a rigorous and supportive learning environment that will assist them in achieving their academic and personal objectives.

International students support offered by ICM

The International College of Manitoba (ICM) is dedicated to assisting foreign students with both academic and personal development. ICM provides the following support mechanisms for overseas students:

Help with Accommodation

  • Details about various lodging choices.
  • Help in locating suitable housing that suits the requirements and preferences of students.
  • Assisting with the transition to new living circumstances.

Program of Orientation

  • An in-depth look at college, the University of Manitoba, and life in Canada.
  • Academic expectations, immigration rules, health care, and cultural adjustment are among the themes covered.
  • Intended to assist students in becoming acquainted with their new surroundings and feeling more confident about their academics.

Language Support

  • Language Help Programs and seminars aimed at enhancing English language abilities such as speaking, listening, and writing
  • Academic English assistance to assist students in adapting to the academic demands of their degree programmes
  • Courses in English as a Second Language (ESL) to increase language proficiency

Services to Students

  • Committed student services staff that offers continuous assistance throughout the academic path
  • Help with academic and personal issues, as well as managing administrative processes
  • One-on-one consultations are offered to discuss any difficulties or challenges.

Extracurricular activities

  • Cultural events, sports teams, clubs, and volunteer opportunities are all available.
  • Possibilities for socializing and networking with peers.
  • Improve the entire university experience, as well as the feeling of being part of a community.

Wellness and Health Access

  • Mental health care is encouraged
  • Workshops and activities for health and wellness
  • Referrals to medical services

The support mechanisms at ICM are designed to assist international students to prosper academically and personally while in Canada. Students feel encouraged, empowered, and confident in their academic endeavors because the institution is committed to offering a comprehensive support system.


Scholarship offered by ICM for international students

The International College of Manitoba (ICM) understands the financial difficulties that overseas students experience when pursuing their academic aspirations in Canada. As a result, the institution provides a variety of scholarship possibilities to aid qualified students with their financial burdens. Some of the scholarships offered to overseas students at ICM include:

ICM Entrance Scholarship

  • ICM Entrance Scholarships are given to overseas students starting their studies at ICM.
  • Scholarships range in value from $1,000 to $2,000 CDN.
  • Academic proficiency and extracurricular accomplishments

University of Manitoba Graduate Scholarship

  • Fellowship for Graduate Studies at the University of Manitoba
  • International students pursuing graduate courses at the University of Manitoba can apply.
  • Offers financial assistance for tuition and living expenses.
  • Academic merit and research potential are considered when awards are made.

Scholarship awarded jointly by ICM and the University of Manitoba

  • International students who have finished their studies at ICM and are pursuing undergraduate courses at the University of Manitoba are eligible to apply.
  • The scholarship covers the whole cost of tuition for up to four years of study.
  • Recognized for academic performance as well as extracurricular activities.

Scholarships from External Sources

  • ICM also encourages overseas students to look into external scholarships.
  • Offers information and support with the external scholarship application process.

Scholarship programmes at ICM give financial assistance and recognition to talented overseas students. These scholarships not only assist to reduce the financial burden of studying abroad, but they also serve as inspiration for academic success and personal achievement. ICM’s effort to providing scholarship possibilities displays its commitment to making higher education accessible to foreign students from a variety of backgrounds.


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Finally, the International College of Manitoba (ICM) offers a complete support system for international students in order to assist them thrive academically and personally while studying in Canada. ICM provides a variety of services to international students, ranging from aid with housing, orientation, language support, and student services to extracurriculars and well-being support. Students feel encouraged and competent throughout her academic journey because the institution is committed to creating a friendly and supportive atmosphere.

Furthermore, ICM’s scholarship possibilities emphasize academic distinction as well as personal achievements, giving financial assistance and inspiration to students from a variety of backgrounds. Overall, ICM’s engagement to foreign students indicates the institution’s desire to raise schooling more open and inclusive.

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