
Top PR Eligible Courses in Australia with Best Salaries in 2024

Moving to Australia seems exciting. Still, what if we told you that one of the best paths to permanent residency is through Australia? Yes, everything you heard was correct.

With approximately 5,67,000 international students worldwide, Australia is a well-liked choice for international students and good reason.

It boasts an excellent educational system, a diverse culture, and a strong economy. Once you graduate and meet the requirements, you can move permanently to Australia if you choose the right course.

International students will have more options to gain permanent residency in Australia as the Australian government intends to increase the number of annual immigrants.

Securing a place in these PR schools might take time and effort. Of the thousands of applicants yearly, just a tiny proportion are selected for the few available positions.

**International students**

Why Study in Australia?

Australia is currently the third most popular country in the English-speaking world among overseas students, after the United States and the United Kingdom.

It’s a popular location for international students because of its outstanding education, kind locals, and unique culture.

Graduates from Australian universities are in high demand because of the Australian educational system’s excellent international reputation.

The government strictly regulates this system to preserve the country’s reputation for high-quality education.

Australia’s standard of living is among the highest in the world, and living and schooling costs are far cheaper.

International students might work part-time while enrolled in classes to assist with living expenses.

Australia’s PR eligibility

Numerous reputable universities in Australia offer various programs and specialisations.

The nation’s state-of-the-art infrastructure and high educational standards make it a sought-after destination for overseas students.

Those who want to live, work, and seek permanent residency in the nation have several options.

  • Students who graduate from Australian universities are eligible to seek permanent residence.

  • Students may apply for a post-study work visa under Subclass 485 after two years of study in the nation. Another name for this is the Graduate Temporary Visa.

  • There is a Graduate Temporary visa for international students wishing to study in Australia for a few years. As a result, they may stay and work in the nation for a maximum of 18 months to 4 years.

Australia’s List of PR Courses for 2024

After graduating, most international students plan to stay in Australia permanently because it’s a safe country with excellent prospects for career advancement.

If you are an international student intending to live, study, and work in Australia, you must first apply for an Australian Student Visa.

The following is a list of programs or occupations that can lead to Australian PR:

  • Aeronautical Engineering

  • Agricultural Engineering

  • Chemical Engineering

  • Civil Engineering

  • Electrical Engineering

  • Software Engineering

  • Petroleum Engineering

  • Software Tester

  • Systems Analyst

  • Accountant

  • Finance Managers

  • Auditor

international students in Australia

Australia’s Top 5 Career Fields for PR

Most students interested in studying abroad select courses that will enable them to obtain employment and permanent residency in the nations where they study.

1. Engineering

Australia offers a range of engineering programs to applicants from abroad.

Due to widespread hiring in manufacturing, power, energy, construction, and other sectors, The country experiences a severe shortage of engineers each year.

Possessing an Australian engineering degree opens doors for you.

2. Accounting

International students frequently choose accounting as their field of study in Australia. It’s one of the sectors with the most room for growth and has spread quickly across the country.

3. Information and Computer Technology

One of the most remarkable subjects for PR students to study in Australia is computer science, which is employed in the corporate sector and has various possibilities for studying at respectable foreign universities in Australia.

Never forget that there will always be a need for computer and IT experts.

Therefore, you have a great chance of finding employment if you finished your schooling in the Australian subcontinent or were born with extraordinary talent in your home country.

Navigating Quality and Quantity for Sustainable Growth in Australia

4. Nursing

If you start counting countries, Australia is in the top ten globally in the healthcare sector. Among the students studying here, nursing is one of Australia’s most popular permanent residency programs.

Suppose you plan to study nursing in Australia as well. Australia is expected to have an enormous international demand for these courses.

For nurses and other healthcare professionals, Australia offers rewarding career opportunities and the opportunity to get permanent residency.

5. Instruction and Learning

Qualified and talented teachers are desperately needed in the field of education. Students often find that completing courses in this field makes applying to the best PR courses in Australia easier.

Benefits of PR Courses in Australia

Benefits of PR Courses in Australia

If you have a permanent residence visa, you can travel to and from Australia whenever you like. However, the validity of your first PR visa is limited to five years.

You must apply to renew this visa before it expires. If you leave the country and return to Australia after your permanent residency has ended, you must get a five-year Resident Return Visa (RRV).

You can work and choose any profession you like as soon as you have PR status.

Certain professions, such as those in the government or the military, constitute an exception. Applications are only open to Australian nationals for these two posts.

As an Australian permanent resident, your credit score will rise rapidly, making getting approved for credit cards, personal loans, auto loans, and other loans easier.


Many advantages make studying and gaining a Permanent Residency (PR) in Australia desirable for anyone looking for work and educational opportunities overseas.

Australia provides an atmosphere favourable for intellectual and personal growth because of its exceptional quality of life, varied culture, many work opportunities, and pathway to citizenship.

For personalised guidance and assistance in choosing the right course and university, contact our counselling service at Edify Group of Companies.


Q. Which courses are eligible for permanent residency in Australia?

Enrolling in courses related to trade qualification, engineering, computer networking, education, and medical studies might grant permanent residency in Australia.

Q. What is the easiest way to get PR in Australia?

The simplest way is to enrol in any eligible course.

Australia needs talented immigrants with strong educational backgrounds and employment potential to support its economy.

Q. Which profession in Australia is best for PR?

Having a competent job qualifies one for Australian permanent residence.

This covers specialised occupations such as physicians, engineers, dentists, social workers, mechanical engineers, chefs, and psychiatrists.

About Author

Effa Iqbal
Head of Marketing

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