Things to Take Care On when writing IELTS Writing exam

Things to Take Care On when writing IELTS Writing exam

Sun Mar 26 2023 Effa Iqbal

Write Great English Essays

For people with little encounter reading and writing, the process of writing an essay might be daunting. In my IELTS or PTE classes, I frequently run into students who have trouble expressing themselves in English, especially when it comes to writing a 250 word essay. While there are basic prerequisites, such as grammar and vocabulary, to write better, organization, tone, and concept linkage are all very important.

The good news is that it is very likely and that practice applied correctly can produce desired results.

Let’s cover some useful tips to write great essays for your exam.

english essay for ielts

Build Your Thesis:

A thesis statement reveals the core idea or the author’s position on the issue at hand. I frequently observe people make the error of choosing neither a side in argument essays nor providing a clear thesis statement. Your position on the given statement should be discussed in one to two sentences in the introductory paragraph of your essay. How well your essay relates to that thesis statement will be evaluated by the examiner. One strategy you can employ to do this better is by constantly asking yourself the following questions:

  • Have the introductory paragraphs adequately stated my thesis?
  • Does the essay’s main argument back up its thesis?
  • Does my conclusion demonstrate how I have supported my claim?


Good essays are well connected with logical transitions. The structure ought to be simple to understand; the introduction needs to flow organically into the body paragraph, the same details should be gathered in a single paragraph, and the conclusion must tie everything together. Planning ahead of time will help you incorporate such fluency and cohesiveness. Create a logical essay format, and always allot some time at the end to review it. When you evaluate, consider whether or not everything appears smooth.

Answer the Prompt:

As tempting as it may be to let your creativity run wild and write whatever comes to mind, it’s important to remember that you’re crafting an academic assignment, and staying true to the prompt is paramount. Don’t be fooled by the alluring appeal of deviating from the given guidelines. Instead, focus on tackling each part of the complex essay challenge with precision and care. And when you’re done, review your final version thoroughly to ensure that you’ve met all the requirements. Remember, the key to success is not only in expressing your thoughts but also in demonstrating your ability to follow instructions and meet expectations.

Use Proper Vocabulary:

The way you use language can make or break an academic essay. Your aim is to demonstrate your expertise on the subject and persuade readers that your argument is strong and compelling. However, beware of falling into the trap of using overly complex words simply to sound smart. This can often have the opposite effect, revealing your insecurities instead of your intellect. If you’re unsure about a word’s meaning, it’s better to double-check than to risk using it incorrectly. And be cautious when reaching for the thesaurus to swap out perfectly acceptable words for more elaborate ones. Cryptic language might give the impression of sophistication, but it can also muddy the clarity of your argument. Ultimately, the key to effective academic writing is using language that is both precise and accessible, allowing your ideas to shine through with maximum impact.

prepare IELTS writing test

Grammar and Form are Important:

Understanding language conventions is crucial when it comes to academic writing. Grammar mistakes, poor sentence structure, improper punctuation, and misspelled words all give the impression of carelessness and can lessen the impact of your arguments. Such mistakes not only make your writing hard to understand, but they can also generate misconceptions and, in the worst situation, cause your reader to completely miss your insightful points. The last thing you want is for your professor or teacher to disregard your insightful thoughts because of sloppy punctuation or grammar. Because of this, it’s essential to properly proofread your work and find any glaring problems before turning in your essay.

Add Examples:

The use of examples can have a significant impact on the strength of your opinions. They not only strengthen and clarify your arguments, but they also assist the reader in connecting with and being interested in what you’re saying. You can demonstrate your ability to apply your knowledge to real-world situations to establish yourself as a competent and knowledgeable writer.

Furthermore, examples can improve the organization of your essay, giving it a smooth and logical flow. However, it is critical to only use examples that are relevant and appropriate to the topic at hand, as using examples that are irrelevant to the topic at hand may undermine your credibility and detract from your argument.

Prepare your IELTS writing Exam


It’s critical to know what your teacher will be looking for if you want to develop your essay-writing abilities. While grades are unquestionably essential, concentrating only on the result can impede your development as a writer. Instead, work on broadening your writing talents by polishing your thesis formulation, form, style, conventions, and support abilities. Effective academic writing requires mastery of these crucial characteristics, which call for careful attention and practice. You can raise both your essay marks and your overall writing skills by concentrating on each of these areas.

IELTS with Edify Group of Companies:

Contact us immediately if you need to meet deadlines but are unsure of how to study for the IELTS. We provide a preparation course with top-notch coaching. Thanks to an excellent teaching staff, the Edify Group of Companies ensures that all of its students succeed in achieving the required band score.

Written By: Ahmed Raza

Ahmed Raza is a contributing writer at Edify Group of Companies. He is also an experienced IELTS and PTE instructor. He has passion for teaching, writing and instructional design. He graduated from UET and embarked on the journey of teaching English Language tests afterwards.



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